Filmmakers With Disabilities
FWD-Doc is a global, intersectional community of disabled creators and allies working in media to build a more inclusive, accessible, and equitable entertainment industry. We cultivate and champion disabled media-makers, and we elevate stories by, for, and about disabled people.
Our roots are in independent documentary film, and our long-term vision extends to the broader entertainment and creative industries through many forms of storytelling.
FWD-Doc’s vision is to end ableism and create a more inclusive society for all.
As D/deaf, disabled, and neurodiverse people,* we face discrimination every day. Society tells us that people with disabilities are less-than; that disabilities should be “overcome” or ignored-- not an inherent part of humanity that is embraced.
The entertainment industry perpetuates and reinforces this ableist narrative. On the rare occasion that we see ourselves on screen, we are very often reduced to objectified tropes of either tragedies or inspirations. We are portrayed either as heroic for just existing; as powerless victims in need of pity; or as “others”: villains, curiosities, or freaks.
Film, television, and other media have enabled the negative treatment of disabled people for far too long.
This must and will change.
As disabled filmmakers, writers, actors, creatives, and industry professionals, we live full and powerful lives.
We know first-hand that media is a powerful tool to drive change. We are committed to using our talents, networks, and stories to rewrite the narrative about disability and disabled people.
We celebrate and document the entirety of our existence, and we want the world to do the same.
At FWD-doc, we:
Build community and creative, supportive spaces.
Cultivate and champion disabled media makers and leaders.
Elevate stories by, for, and about people with disabilities.
Educate, partner, and advocate for more inclusive, equitable, and accessible practices within the entertainment industry, for filmmakers and audiences.
As an organization, we are committed to responding to the evolving needs of our members and creating a culture that is inclusive, honest, respectful, collaborative, joyful, and fulfilling.
All of our work is guided by the principles of Disability Justice. We are:
An intersectional community of disabled creators and committed allies, led by disabled makers and doers.
Bold & Innovative: Our work, by its nature, challenges the status quo. We aren’t afraid to push the envelope and speak our truth, and we support each other to do so.
Working to rebalance power: We support and promote D/deaf, HoH, disabled, and neurodiverse filmmakers into leadership roles within the industry to transform existing hierarchies and make space for all filmmakers with disabilities and other marginalized creators.
Committed to promoting a positive and inclusive work environment: We promote the development of workplace culture where there is accessibility, trust, mutual respect, cooperation, accountability, equity, and recognition of the value of health and well-being of all workers.
*A note about language…
Although ‘people with disabilities’ is a common term in the US, many other cultures find this label problematic, and prefer ‘disabled people.’ We intentionally include both terms in all FWD-Doc materials, and defer to individual preferences within the community.
When we use the term ‘disability/disabled person’ in this document, we are using the social model of disability that also includes d/Deaf, HOH (hard of hearing), chronically ill, neurodiverse people, those with mental health conditions, and all people who wish to self-identify under any additional term.
We believe in an inclusive and expansive definition of disability. This is about identity, community, and barriers placed upon disabled people, not rules to deem people ‘right’ or ‘wrong’.
If you’re interested in joining us, please join us.
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